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 New Prophetic words and dreams                                         New Audio Messages

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Upcoming Events

  • Arusha, Tanzania Crusade, January 26-30 with Arusha Pastor's Association Email: for more information


  • The ministry is now a 501(c)(3) non profit organization

New Book!

Prophecies for America

My second book is published: "Prophecies for America" is now available for purchase on This book is based on a series of dreams given to me when on a mission trip to Costa Rica. They present a sobering picture of what could be in store for the people of America in the days ahead. When will it happen? Can the outcome be altered if the people pray? Will God's mercy triumph over His judgment? Those questions and more are discussed in this book. In the final analysis, only God knows the answers.

You can order it from here

Gather The Outcasts Book

Reaching the Lost in Africa

My new book is published: "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa" is now available for purchase on I wrote the book this winter, and it is a compilation of stories of crusade and revival events that have happened in the last six years in Africa. If you enjoy reading about the power of God to save and touch people's lives, you will enjoy this book. It is not a teaching manual, but an interesting read of how God moved in the meetings that I have had the privilege to hold over in Africa. The book is 175 pages and packed with stories from Kenya, the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.

You can order it from here

Baptismal Service

If you wish to donate to either of these projects, make a donation through PayPal on this website, or you can contact me through my email at   for questions of mailing instructions.  Designate on your check or email which of the projects you want to contribute to, or both.  I have personall relationships with both of these ministries, and they are very worthwhile and legitimate.  Thank you and God bless you, Jim




Message of the Week

Click On The Link To Listen to Media Thanks!


2023-06-25 Grace of God - We are saved by the grace of God, not by the works of our flesh.

2023-06-18 Word for Father - Gods word gives lots of instructions and encouragement for fathers. God blesses fathers.

2023-06-11 Be Ready - Jesus gives warning in Matthew 24 about those who are not ready when the Master comes to check on his slaves.

2023-06-04 Days of Noah - Jesus said, The coming of the Son of Man will be just like as in the days of Noah. We are here.



Message Of The Week Continued



Jim Rowh


Micah 4:6

"In that day," declares the Lord,

"I will assemble the lame,

And gather the outcasts.

Even those whom I have afflicted.

I will make the lame a remnant,

And the outcasts a strong nation,

And the Lord will reign over them in Mount Zion

From now on and forever."

Gather the Outcasts is the ministry of Jim
Rowh of Norton, Kansas. What began as a prison
ministry and then moved into revival forums, now
is a call to the nations. Come partner with us!
Share in this vital work to take the message of the
gospel to the outcasts of the nations. If you
would like to sow a seed into this ministry,
click here, or if you would like to be on the e-mail
list to receive e-mail updates about the events
of the ministry, click here. We would also like
to pray with you over your prayer requests.
Any prayer requests will be kept strictly confidential.
Just click on prayer requests and submit your request,
and rest assured that your request will be taken to
the prayer warriors on the Gather the Outcasts
prayer team. Let God move in your life today.

Phil 4:6

"Be anxious for nothing, but in all things,
by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving,
make your requests known unto God."

click events for more Kenya 2011


            New Audio Messages


 New Prophetic words and dreams

For More Teachings And Prophetic Words Go To ------> Jim Rowh's Blog


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