2023-06-25-grace-of-God.mp3 Grace of God - We are saved by the grace of God, not by the works of our flesh.

2023-06-18-word-for-the-father.mp3 Word for Father - Gods word gives lots of instructions and encouragement for fathers. God blesses fathers.

2023-06-11-be-ready.mp3 Be Ready - Jesus gives warning in Matthew 24 about those who are not ready when the Master comes to check on his slaves.

2023-06-04-days-of-noah.mp3 Days of Noah - Jesus said, The coming of the Son of Man will be just like as in the days of Noah. We are here.

2023-05-28-spirit-of-lawlessness.mp3 Spirit of Lawlessness - The end times will be marked with a spirit of lawlessness, peoples love for each other will grow cold

2023-05-21-olivet-discourse.mp3 Olivet Discourse - Jesus anwered the questions, what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?

2023-05-13-economic-flood.mp3 Coming Economic Flood - A shaking of great proportions is on the horizon, a flood of economic calamity.

2023-05-07-marriage-and-divorce.mp3 Marriage and divorce - What does Gods word have to say about divorce? A big subject in America today.

2023-04-30-marriage.mp3 Marriage - There are many counterfeits to Gods plan for marriage, but His plan is the perfect one.

2023-04-23-Gods-plan-for-marriage.mp3 Gods Plan for Marriage - What is the perfect plan for marriage? God lays it all out in His Word.

2023-04-16-the-woke-agenda.mp3 The Woke Agenda Does Gods word have anything to say about the woke transgender agenda?

2023-04-09-resurrection.mp3 The Resurrection - Jesus is no longer in the tomb of death, He lives! Through Him we have victory over death.

2023-04-02-be-not-troubled.mp3 Do Not Be Troubled - Jesus said regarding then end time events, Let not your heart be troubled. How can we do that?

2023-03-26-matthew-24.mp3 Matthew Chapter 24 - The end time shaking is upon us, but this is just the time of sorrows.

2023-03-19-end-times.mp3 End Times pt1 - Just as in the days of Noah, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

2023-03-12-gentiles-receive-the-holy-spirit.mp3 The Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit - The Gentiles received through the faith of Cornelius.

2023-03-05-walk-in-the-spirit-3.mp3 Walk in the Spirit - Apostle Paul says to walk in the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh. A pathway to victory!

2023-02-23-new-testament-church.mp3 New Testament Church - The template for the New Testament church is found in Acts 2:42.

2023-02-12-holy-spirit-2.mp3 The Holy Spirit pt 3 - The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on all mankind at Pentecost, a massive outpouring of God's power

2023-02-05-the-holy-spirit-2.mp3 The Holy Spirit pt 2 - The Spirit of Truth, when He comes, will guide you into truth in all things.

2023-02-05-the-holy-spirit-1.mp3 The Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit was prophesied and poured out on the apostles just as the Father had promised.

2023-01-29-me-and-my-house.mp3 Me and My House. Joshua makes a parting statement to the children of Israel, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

2023-01-22-weapons-of-our-warfare.mp3 The children of Israel found out when sin is in the camp, they could not stand before their enemies.

2023-01-15-jerico.mp3 Jericho - The instructions given to Joshua were meant to test his obedience to the Captain of the Lord of Hosts. Joshua obeyed.

2023-01-08-crossing-the-jordan.mp3 Crossing the Jordan - The children of Israel watched as the Lord stood up the waters of the Jordan River, a mighty miracle!

2023-01-01-crossing-over.mp3 Crossing Over - As we prepare to move into the year 2023, we can look to lessons from Joshua as he prepares to go into the promised land.

2022-12-25-birth-of-Jesus.mp3 More Prophecies on the Birth of Jesus Jesus birth was foretold in great detail by many Old Testament prophets.

2022-12-18-Prophecies-of-isaiah.mp3 Prophecies of Isaiah - The Prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of Jesus in astounding detail 800 years before the event

2022-12-04-Spiritual-gifts-4.mp3 Spiritual Gifts from Romans 12 - This list of spiritual gifts is for the Body of Christ as they minister to the outside world.

2022-12-04-Healings-and-miracles.mp3 Gifts of Healings and Miracles. Two of the power gifts of the Holy Spirit are discussed in greater detail.

2022-11-27-Spiritual-gifts-3.mp3 Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit - These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit for the empowering of the Body of Christ

2022-11-20-Spiritual-gifts-3.mp3 Spiritual Gifts pt 3 - More on the fivefold office gifts, the structrual gifts of the Body of Christ.

2022-11-13-Office-Gifts-2.mp3 Office Gifts pt 2 - The structural part of the Body of Christ is made of the five gifts given by Jesus Christ. The five fold ministry of the church.

2022-11-06-The-spiritual-gifts.mp3 The Spiritual Gifts - The Body of Christ is guided by three sets of spiritual gifts, given to equip the saints for ministry.

2022-10-30-Basics-of-salvation.mp3 The Basics of Salvation - Do you know for sure that you are saved? These are the basic steps to confidence in your salvation.

2022-10-23-The-plan-of-redemption.mp3 The Plan of Redemption - God had a plan from before the foundation of the world. The plan was through His Son, Jesus Christ.

2022-10-16-The-fall-of-man.mp3 The Fall of Man - Adam and Eve had perfection in the garden, but they fell for the lie of the devil.

2022-10-09-The-origin-of-sin.mp3 The Origin of Sin - Satan is a created being, and his rebellion in heaven was the defining moment when sin entered the world.

2022-10-02-The-gospel-armor.mp3 The Gospel Armor - Apostle Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God, that we may be able to stand in the evil day.

2022-09-25-The-temptations-of-jesus.mp3 The Temptations of Christ - Jesus was tempted in every way just as we are, He shows us the way out of our temptations.

2022-09-18-You-will-be-persecuted.mp3 You Will Be Persecuted - Jesus said, If they hated Me, they will hate you. Get ready for persecution, its coming to believers.

2022-09-11-Parable-of-the-sower.mp3 Parable of the Sower - Jesus tells of four kinds of soil that receives the seed, but only one produces good fruit.

2022-09-22-The-kingdom-of-heaven-2.mp3 Kingdom of Heaven pt 2 - Jesus prepared His disciples to know what they could expect when operating in the kingdom of heaven.

2022-08-22-The-kingdom-of-heaven.mp3 The Kingdom of Heaven - Jesus spoke about the reality of the kingdom of heaven, a spiritual kingdom you can come to know.

2022-11-22-Laxarus-and-the-rich-man.mp3 Lazarus and the Rich Man - Jesus speaks a parable about two men, one very poor, the other very rich, to illustrate the contrast between heaven and hell.

2022-08-14-Jesus-talks-about-hell.mp3 Jesus Talks About Hell - Is God too loving to have people in hell? According to the words of Jesus, people choose hell for themselves.

2022-08-07-The-reality-of-hell.mp3 The Reality of Hell - The Bible gives us revelation of the reality of the place of eternal judgment and condemnation.

2022-07-22-The-importance-of-the-church.mp3 The Importance of Church - Why are we encouraged to gather together as believers in the body of Christ? The five fold ministry of the church.

2022-07-24-Salvation-is-not-works.mp3 Salvation is Not Works - It is by grace you have been saved, not of your works, lest any man should boast.

2022-07-10-The-importance-of-baptism.mp3 The Importance of Baptism - Why is baptism necessary, and what does it represent in the salvation picture?

2022-07-10 The Importance of Baptism - Why is baptism necessary, and what does it represent in the salvation picture?

2022-07-10 Abortion Debate - What does the word of God have to say about abortion and protection of babies in the womb?

2022-07-03 Repentance and Baptism John the Baptist said - Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance - What does it mean to repent?

2022-06-26 Basics of Salvation The assurance of salvation comes when a person has followed the basic steps by Apostle Paul in the book of Romans.

2022-06-19 What Me Worry? Worry can consume all our energy and yet we cannot add one day to our lives through worry. How to deal with it.

2022-06-12 Demonic Oppression Demons operate among us to bring about oppression, depression and chaos. How can we combat it?"

2022-05-26 Demons Among Us pt 2 - Apostle Paul says to take up the gospel armor, that we can stand firm against the plans of the enemy.

2022-05-26 Demons Among Us - A timely message on the issue of guns and violence in America. What is the answer to senseless killings?

2022-05-22 The Abortion Debate - What does God's word say about the sanctity of human life?

2022-05-15 Faith without works is dead. Put your faith to work!

2022-05-01 Great Faith God gives us all a measure of faith. How do we then attain the great faith of the elders of old?

2022-05-01 When Jesus ascended on high, He gave gifts to men to initiate the work of the church, to equip the saints for their work on earth.

2022-04-27 Jonah's attitude about evangelism wasn't right, the Lord had to correct his thinking.

2022-04-17 The Resurrection of Jesus is the one event that determines our eternal destiny, a reason to celebrate!

2022-04-04 The Sign of Jonah pt 3. When Jonah was given salvation, he became the preacher that God called him to be.

2022-04-04 Resurrection of Jonah. The Lord raised up Jonah from the pit of hell, and He did the same with His Son Jesus Christ.

2022-03-27 The sign of Jonah. Jesus said no sign would be given except the sign of Jonah, a type and shadow of the the resurrection of Jesus.

2022-03-20 Template for Ministry Jesus laid out a template for ministry in Matthew chapter ten. This template can work for us as well.

2022-03-06 The Open Door The Holy Spirit ministers to us to walk through open doors for Jesus

2022-02-27 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit empowers us through the working of very special gifts

2022-02-22 The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit An amazing story of how God brought the Gentiles into the His kingdom.

2022-02-06 The Spirit is Poured Out On the day of Pentecost, the promise of the Father was given to all mankind. "

2022-01-30 The Ministry of the Holy Spirit pt 2 The Holy Spirit gives us the power to be a witness for the kingdom of God.

2022-01-30 Ministry of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, I will not leave you as orphans. The ministry of the Holy Spirit was God's plan to be with us all times.

2022-01-23 Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Lying against the Holy Spirit means we don't accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

2022-01-16 The Lord reduces Gideon's army to just three hundred men, armed with trumpets, empty pitchers, and torches.

2022-01-09 Gideon get the call from the Lord, but he is very tentative and asks the Lord for signs to confirm his mission.

2022-01-02 Gideon was hiding from the enemy when the Lord encountered him, and called him, mighty man of valor!

2021-12-26 Wait on the Lord - Simeon and Anna were in the temple waiting on the revealing of Jesus Christ. Are you waiting on the Lord in your life?

2021-12-21 Spiritual Warfare pt 3 - Dealing With Demons - We battle in the unseen world with demons of darkness.

2021-12-19 Prophecies of Isaiah. Christmas message. Isaiah spoke astounding prophecies of our coming Lord, Unto us a Child is Born, a Son is given.

2021-12-05 Spiritual Warfare pt 2 - Apostle Paul says we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with unseen wicked forces. We are for sure in a battle!

2021-11-28 Spiritual Warfare Pt 1 - The devil is a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. The Battle we are engaged in.

2021-11-21 Give Thanks - A message for Thanksgiving, cultivating a heart of gratitude.

2021-11-14 How can I know if I am saved?? the Bible says we can be certain about our salvation, that is God's will that you know.

2021-11-07 The Prodigal Son - The wayward son comes home to find the Father waiting for Him. A story of salvation and redemption!

2021-10-31 More on Healing - More hindrances to healing - may we strive to remove those roadblocks.

2021-10-24 Hindrance to Healing - There are many spiritual roadblocks to receiving healing that need to be removed.

2021-10-17 Gifts of Healings- Jesus said we could lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Where does the power to heal come from?

2021-10-21 Jesus the Healer - Jesus prophesied over Himself from the book of Isaiah, I came to heal the brokenhearted and give sight to the blind.

2021-10-10 Jesus the Healer - Jesus prophesied over Himself from the book of Isaiah, I came to heal the brokenhearted and give sight to the blind.

2021-10-04 The God Who Heals Us What is God's nature and His desire for us when it comes to sickness and healing?

2021-09-26 End Times Rapture How will the events of the rapture and tribulation unfold? Apostle Paul gives us teaching in the book of Thessalonians.

2021-09-19 The Mark of the Beast. There are parallels between the mark of the beast, spoken of in Revelation Chapter 13, and events taking place on the earth today.

2021-09-12 Signs of the End Times - Part 2

2021-09-05 Signs of the End Times Recent world events lead people to believe the end is near. What are the signs Jesus said to be watching for?

2021-08-29 Lazarus and the Rich Man. A story of salvation for a very poor man, and eternal damnation for a very rich man.

2021-08-22 Jesus said, Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Where is your treasure stored up?

2021-08-15 This message will encourage you to use your wealth and resources to build the kingdom of God.

2021-08-08 Authority in Christ - Christ gives us authority to go and preach and take the good news to all the world. We go in His name and power.

2021-08-01 Womens Encounter Africa - Join us for an interview with two of the ladies who brought the Encounter God program to Kenya.

2021-07-23 Encounter Africa~ Interview with the team from Men's Encounter about their program they brought to Africa.

2021-07-18 Through one man Adam, sin came into the world Sin still crouches at every man's door, waiting for an opportunity.

2021-07-11 Adam and Eve 2 - When we fall into sin, we get separated from God and want to hide ourselves, but Jesus offers redemption.

2021-07-04 Adam and Eve 1 - The story of Adam and Eve begins in the Garden of Eden with perfect bliss and ends with shame and separation from God.

2021-06-27 Jericho was the place of victory, Ai was the place of defeat. The difference was sin in the camp

2021-06-19 Im saved, what's next? What is the plan of the Lord for your life now that you are saved? Find out here.

2021-06-13 Dealing with Anxiety - The Apostle Paul says, Be anxious for nothing, that is a big challege with the problems in todays world.

2021-06-06 Dealing with Fear King- Jehoshaphat was surrounded by his enemies. He cried out to the Lord and acted on the words of the prophet.

2021-05-30 Parable of the Sower - Jesus explains the four types of soil that the seed of the gospel can be planted into, in this simple parable.

2021-05-22 Spiritual Warfare over a City - Special guest Sonrisa Rowh talks about warfare over Los Angeles and Hollywood.

2021-05-09 Spiritual Warfare 4 - We must fill up our house with the power of the Holy Spirit to thwart demonic attacks.

2021-05-09 Spiritual Warfare 3 - In our spiritual battles, the devil sometimes comes as an angel of light. Beware!

2021-05-01 Spiritual Warfare 2 - The warfare in heaven began when Lucifer decide he wanted to rise above the throne of God.

2021-04-21 Spiritual Warfare 1 - The battle for mans soul began in the Garden of Eden, when the serpent caused Eve to question Gods plan for their lives.

2021-04-11 Two Baptisms the Holy Spirit and Fire. The fire comes with the Holy Spirit, to give you a passion to witness.

2021-04-04 Resurrection Day, a day to honor and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2021-03-28 Two Baptisms Part 3 - The baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire is the one that gives us the power to be witnesses for Jesus!

2021-03-21 Two Baptisms Part 2 - Apostle Paul describes the purpose and picture of the watery grave of baptism in Romans Chapter.

2021-03-14 Two Baptisms - John the Baptist talked about two baptisms, the first of water for repentance, the second of the Holy Spirit and fire.

2021-03-07 Prayer of Jehoshaphat - One of the great stories in the Old Testament, the Lord told Jehoshaphat, This battle belongs to Me.

2021-02-21 Prayer of Jonah. Jonah was taken down to the depth of Sheol. He cried out to the Lord for his salvation.

2021-02-21 Prayer of Nehemiah - The Lord put a burden in the heart of Nehemiah, and Nehemiah put the burden back onto the Lord to provide.

2021-02-07 Perseverance in Prayer. If the unrighteous judge gives in to persistent prayer, we know our Father in heaven will be much more responsive to our prayers.

2021-02-07 The Second Coming. Jesus said Just as in the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

2021-01-31 The Sanctity of Human Life. Every life created in the image of God is precious to Him.

2021-01-24 Watch and Pray When we are waiting on the Lord, we renew our strength by watching and praying. Stay faithful to what the Lord has called you to do.

2021-01-17 If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will be seated with Him at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

2021-01-10 Our Rewards in Heaven - We are rewarded for our good deeds done for the kingdom while here on this earth. Are you busy for the kingdom?

2021-01-03 Be Strong and Courageous - Looking forward to the New Year 2021, be strong and courageous, and take the territory the Lord has given you.

2020-12-27 The Word Became Flesh, and dwelt among us. We thank the Lord for His plan of salvation, that He sent His only begotten Son to live among us, and die for us on the cross.

2020-12-20 Celebrating Jesus Birth - We celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus, He is worthy to be celebrated.

2020-12-13 The Lords Inheritance The nations of the earth are the Lords inheritance. Now we have the authority to take those nations for the kingdom of God.

2020-12-06 Contending for Righteousness - As people of God, we must stand up for righteousness, for righteousness and justice are the foundations of Gods throne.

2020-11-29 The Role of Government. Apostle Paul explains the role of government, and how we are to submit ourselves to the governing authorities. Pray for those in authority over us.

2020-11-22 Give Thanks to the Lord - It is good to give thanks to the Lord, cultivate a heart of Thanksgiving. Also and election update from election 2020.

2020-11-15 Lazarus and the Rich Man - A great story of two men, one very rich and the other very poor. But after their earthly life, the fate of each was reversed.

2020-11-08 God Opens Doors - The Apostle Paul was prevented by the Holy Spirit to go into Asia, but the Lord opened the door for him to go to Macedonia? Why one and not the other?

2020-11-01 More of Pauls Ministry - Apostle Paul encountered many situations of spiritual warfare. Our battle is against the unseen forces of darkness.

2020-10-25 Ministry of Apostle Paul Paul was confronted by a spirit of divination that greatly annoyed him. He cast that spirit out of a slave girl by the power of Jesus.

2020-10-18 Receiving the Holy Spirit Many instances in the book of Acts, people received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This the power that we need!"

2020-10-11 The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit. The story of Cornelius in Acts 10 is one of the great stories in the New Testament. The Gentiles Receive The Holy Spirit !"

2020-10-04 The Church is Born - Jesus took the captives and led them to heaven during the resurrection, and then he distributed gifts to men. The New Testament church is born

2020-09-27 Two Supernatural Events - The Holy Spirit was poured out on mankind, and the New Testament church was established. Two supernatural events that changed life on earth.

2020-09-20 Rewards in Heaven - Following our visit to the judgment seat of Christ, we will be given our heavenly rewards. What rewards can you expect?

2020-09-13 The Rapture - The culmination of resurrection teachings talks about the rapture, when all the saints, both asleep and alive, will be caught up with the Lord.

2020-09-06 Our Resurrection pt 2 We can be confident in this, that our heavenly home awaits us when our earthly tent is finished. Hope for all eternity.

2020-08-31 The Bread of Life. Jesus said, I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

2020-08-23 Demonic Oppression and the story of Legion. How can one person have two thousand demons tormenting them? This story tells us how it happens.

2020-08-16 Persecution is Coming! Jesus said, you will be hated for My names sake. The days are coming when Christians will undergo great persecution. Be ready.

2020-08-09 Spirit of Lawlessness Jesus said in the end days a spirit of lawlessness will be unleashed upon the earth. It is here now. How are we to deal with it?

2020-08-02 I am the Resurrection. Jesus said, If you know Me you will never die. How can that be? A study of the resurrection of Lazarus.

2020-07-29 The Living Water will spring up out of to everlasting life. When you have the living water, you will never thirst again.

2020-07-19-Be-anxious-for-nothing.mp3 Be Anxious for Nothing. Take your worry and anxiety to the Lord in prayer, He will provide for you the things that you need, and give your peace of mind.

2020-07-12-More-from-the-potters-house.mp3 More from the Potters house. The Lord speaks to Jeremiah from the Potters house, to give Judah a warning of coming disaster.

2020-07-05-Gods-judgements.mp3 Gods Judgments. Does God pronounce judgment over a country? We look at the example of Israel as God spoke to them through the prophet Jeremiah.

2020-06-28-The-new-testament-church.mp3 The New Testament church. The church that came out of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost was the template of what a good church should look like.

2020-06-14-The-holy-spirit-2.mp3 The Holy Spirit pt 2. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out on all mankind. The power for the church was ignited at this great event.

2020-06-07-Race-problems-in-america.mp3 Race Problems in America. Does Gods word have anything to say about the racial divide in America? It has a lot to stay to give us wisdom in the chaos.

2020-05-31-Pentecost.mp3 On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon all mankind. This earth shaking event still impacts us today.

2020-05-24-Is-this-the-end-times-3.mp3 Are we in the End Times 3? Watch and Pray. Jesus said we are to be ready doing the Master's business when he comes to gather up the saints. Are you about the Master's business?

2020-05-17-Is-this-the-end-times-2.mp3 Are we in the End Times 2? Jesus said the end times will look like just as it was in the days of Noah. We are moving in that direction quickly.

2020-05-10-Is-this-the-end-times.mp3 Are we in the End Times? The corona pandemic has people wondering, is this a sign of the end times? Jesus own words in Matthew chapter 24 gives us an anwer.

2020-05-03-King-Jehoshapat-no-fear.mp3 King Jehoshaphat was surrounded by his enemies, and he feared them. But the Lord gave him a strategy to defeat them. The Lord can fight your battles for you.

2020-04-26-Replacing-the-fear.mp3 Replacing Fear with Faith. When we get consumed with fear, we take our eyes off the Lord and make decisions that are not the best for us. Replace fear with faith!

2020-04-19-Stopping-the-plague.mp3 Stopping the Plague. Examples in the Bible are given to us how the Lord can stop the plague. Revelation for dealing with Corona Virus.

2020-04-12-Passover-and-resurrection.mp3 Jesus Christ the Passover Lamb, has made a way for us to be born again. His resurrection has taken away the sting of death.

2020-04-05-Coronavirus-message-2.mp3 The black horse of famine in Revelation 6, and how it relates to the corona virus. The Lord is using this virus to bring judgment to the nations.

2020-03-29-Coronavirus-message.mp3 The Corona virus. What is God trying to say to us with the corona virus causing chaos and death throughout the world? Every situation can bring glory to God.

2020-03-22-Calm-in-the-storm.mp3 With chaos all over the world caused by the corona virus, it is easy to let fear creep into our lives. The Lord says, Get into the secret place, I will cover you.

2020-03-15-Patience-Fruit-of-the-spirit.mp3 When we wait on the Lord, we have patience in all the situations of our life. We experience and enjoy the journey!

2020-03-08-Fruit-of-the-spirit.mp3 Joy and peace are the foundation of every believer. We can withstand the storms of life when we have them.

2020-03-01-The-love-chapter-fruit-of-the-spirit.mp3 We must be motivated by love in our service to others, and all our relationships. God is love.

2020-02-23-Fruit-of-the-spririt.mp3 Paul names love as the first of his fruits of the Spirit. When you know God, you will have love for Him and for the brethren.

2020-02-16-Walk-in-the-spirit-3.mp3 The deeds of the flesh verses the fruit of the Spirit. Which one describes your life?

2020-02-09-Walk-in-the-Spirit-2.mp3 Walk in the spirit pt 2 - Two more essentials of a walk in the Spirit, study of Gods word, and stay in the fellowship.

2020-02-02-Walk-in-the-Spirit.mp3 Walk in the Spirit Teaching from Galatians Chapter 5 - Walk in the Spirit, three key disciplines to a victorious Christian life.

2020-01-27-Me-and-my-house.mp3 Joshua speaks to the children of Israel. Choose for yourself this day who you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

2020-01-19-Jericho-and-Ai.mp3 Jericho and Ai, Victory and Defeat When we are obedient to the Lord, He will fight our battles for us. But sin in the camp brings defeat!

2020-01-12-More-from-Joshua.mp3 More lessons from Joshua. The Commander of the Lord of Hosts shows up to fight for Joshua, as the children of Israel go into the promised land.

2020-01-05-Crossing-over-into-2020.mp3 When Joshua was preparing to cross over the Jordan to take the promised land, the Lord told him, Be strong and courageous. Great encouragement for us as well.

2019-12-29-Crossover-to-2020.mp3 Crossover to 2020 The Lord wants us to go to a higher level in 2020. Great ready to move!

2019-12-22-Celebrating-Jesus-birth.mp3 Celebrating Jesus Birth The shepherds celebrated the birth of Jesus in the field while keeping their flocks. We can celebrate His birth with joy and freedom!

2019-12-15-Prophecies-of-Jesus.mp3 Prophecies of Jesus Many words spoken in the Old Testament foretold the coming of Jesus. He is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace.

2019-12-08-Heavenly-hope.mp3 Our Blessed Hope - The Apostle Paul talks about the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Are you ready for it?

2019-12-01-Our-blessed-hope.mp3 Our Blessed Hope - The Apostle Paul talks about the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Are you ready for it?

2019-11-24-Suffering-for-Jesus-2.mp3 Suffering for Jesus pt 2 - In Everything Give Thanks - Apostle Paul said to give thanks in all things even when we have trials and suffering.

2019-11-17-Suffering-for-Jesus-1.mp3 Suffering for Jesus - Apostle Paul said he wanted to know the fellowship of Jesus sufferings. What have you suffered in your pursuit of the kingdom of God?

2019-11-10-Stand-in-the-gap.mp3 Stand in the Gap - The Lord is looking for those who are serious about prayer to stand in the gap for this nation and their families. Could it be you?

2019-11-03-Powerful-prayer-2.mp3 Powerful Prayer 2 - We need to be persistent in prayer, pray without ceasing. Keys to unlock powerful prayer.

2019-10-27-Prayer-believing.mp3 Pray Believing That You Have Received - When we take our petitions to the Lord, we must first have faith in God, then believe that we have received.

2019-10-20-The-value-of-work.mp3 The Value of Work - The Apostle Paul says, If you don't work, you don't eat! That is God's plan for all able bodied adults.

2019-10-13-Prophetic-alert-3.mp3 Prophetic alert 3 - Judgment is coming to America. The four judgments from Ezekiel upon Israel have parallels to America.

2019-10-06-Prophetic-alert-2.mp3 Prophetic alert 2 - It is time to double down and intercede for America. We are entering a dangerous season.

2019-09-29-Prophetic-alert-1.mp3 Prophetic alert 1 - The time to intercede for America is now! The drum-beat of war is on the horizon. Prepare yourself spiritually and physically.

2019-09-22-The-prosperity-gospel-pt2.mp3 Prosperity Gospel pt 2 What does the Bible say about riches, money, and the love of it? Does God care if we are rich or poor?

2019-09-15-The-prosperity-gospel-pt1.mp3 What does God's word say about how to handle riches that He gives us? A look at prosperity and the use of money.

2019-09-08-Dealing-with-bitterness-pt1.mp3 We all have times of betrayal and anger in our life. How do you deal with bitterness? Give it over to God.

2019-09-01-Kingdom-of-heaven-pt1.mp3 The kingdom of heaven is like a king who sends son to prepare the harvest. But his son is treated with contempt. We are in the end days beloved, the kingdom harvest is near. Are you ready?

2019-08-25-Weapons-of-our-warefare-pt3.mp3 We are in a battle with an unseen foe. Put your warfare weapons to use!

2019-08-18-Weapons-of-our-warefare-pt2.mp3 The weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for tearing down strongholds. Pick up your weapon, we are in a battle!

2019-08-11-Weapons-of-our-warefare.mp3 Though we walk in the flesh, our battle is a spiritual battle. Therefore, we need spiritual weapons.

2019-07-28-The-Holy-Spirit-pt3.mp3 The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God dwelling inside of us. We take counsel from the Holy Spirit.

2019-07-21-The-Holy-Spirit-pt2.mp3 The Holy Spirit is poured out through the house of Cornelius. God shows that He wants the Gentiles to receive the Holy Spirit.

2019-07-14-The-Holy-Spirit-pt1.mp3 The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God residing in us. How do we receive the Holy Spirit, and how does He minister to us?

2019-07-07-Carrie-and-Brook-in-Kenya.mp3 Interview with Brooke and Carrie, two missionaries from Kansas, USA. They describe their experiences after their second trip to Kenya with Gather the Outcasts Ministry.

2019-06-30-Sanctification-pt-4.mp3 Your Sanctification. You are now set aside for good works, and to be refined and purified as you go.

2019-06-19-Im-saved-whats-next.mp3 I'm Saved What's Next? We are saved for good works. After salvation, that is when the battle begins. Get ready, get going.

2019-05-26-Pillars-of-Gods-Kingdom-4.mp32019-05-26-Pillars-of-Gods-Kingdom-4.mp3 Pillars Of God's Kingdom pt 3 God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. We need to stand with Israel to receive the blessings.

2019-05-19-Pillars-of-Gods-Kingdom-3.mp3 Pillars of God's Kingdom pt 2 The sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman is one of the pillars of God's kingdom. He told us to multiply and replenish the earth.

2019-05-19-Pillars-of-Gods-Kingdom-2.mp3 The first pillar of God's kingdom is the sanctity of human life. All people, born and unborn are created in the image of God and created for His purpose.

2019-05-12-Pillars-of-Gods-Kingdom-1.mp3 Pillars of God's Kingdom The sanctity of human life the the foundation of God's kingdom. We are created in the image of God.

2019-05-05-Governing-Authorities.mp3 Gather the Outcasts Message Submit to the governing authorities and you will have a quiet and peaceful life. The authority is God's avenger to carry out His wrath.

2019-04-28-Religion-and-Politics.mp3 Gather the Outcasts Message Religion and Politics, do they mix? What does the Bile say about our getting involved in politics?

2019-04-21-The-Resurrection.mp3 The Resurrection Jesus proved that He had taken authority over the sting of death. The joy of the resurrection is for all believers

2019-04-14-Why-the-cross.mp3 Why did Jesus have to go to the cross? The Bible is all about our suffering Savior and why he died for us on the cross.

2019-04-07-The-grace-of-God-3.mp3 Grace to Minister Pt 3 in series on God's Amazing Grace. We minister by the authority and under the grace of God. It is all because of Him and about Him.

2019-03-31-The-grace-of-God-2.mp3 God's Grace pt 2 The grace of God covers our sin, but where grace abounds are we free to sin even more? The Apostle Paul instructs us.

2019-03-24-The-grace-of-God-1.mp3 The Grace of God We live by the grace of God, and we have salvation by His grace also.. What does Scripture say about living under God's grace?

2019-03-17-God-our-healer-3.mp3 Does God Still Heal? The last part of a series asking, "Does God Still Heal"? God is the God of I Am, He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.

2019-03-10-God-our-healer-2.mp3 Does God still heal today? The supernatural God of the Bible is still the healer, but many with religious spirits deny it.

2019-03-04-God-our-healer-1.mp3 God Our Healer One of the names of God is Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals us. He still is our healer today, just as He has always been.

2019-02-24-Dealing-with-addictions-3.mp3 We are in a spiritual battle for life when we have addictions, but Jesus gives us the power to break free!

2019-02-17-Dealing-with-addictions-2.mp3 The book of James is full of practical advice on how to deal with sickness, including addictions. The prayers of a righteous man avails much.

2019-02-10-Dealing-with-addictions.mp3 Why are addictions so difficult to overcome? This message explains the demonic power behind addictions.

2019-02-03-Gentiles-receive-the-holy-spirit.mp3 The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit Gather the Outcasts Message. Just as was prophesied by the prophet Joel, the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit just as their Jewish brethren had earlier. Acts Chapter 10

2019-01-27-The-holy-spirit-3.mp3 When the Spirit was poured out, Peter got up and preached the great evangelism message that ushered 3,000 people into the kingdom. The Church was born!

2019-01-20-The-holy-spirit-2.mp3 Jesus gave the disciples instruction on the Holy Spirit before leaving earth. He said, "the Holy Spirit will lead you into truth in all things.

2019-01-06-The-living-water.mp3 The Living Water. Jesus said you will have living water springup up to eternal life. Where can you find this water?

2018-12-30-Crossing-over-to-2019.mp3 Cross over to 2019 - Be strong and Courageous. What is God calling you to do in the coming year? Move forward with boldness.

2018-12-23-Birth-of-Jesus-fulfills-prophecy.mp3 The Birth of Jesus Fulfills Prophecy. We take a look at some of the prophecies from the bood of Isaiah.

2018-12-16-The-least-of-these.mp3 Jesus said when you have done it to the least of these of Mine, you have done it also unto Me. Where to find Jesus.

2018-12-09-Unity-of-the-faith-3.mp3 The Unity of the Faith pt 3. What are the binging principles that hold the Body of Christ together? We must agree on these.

2018-12-02-Unity-of-the-faith-2.mp3 The Unity of the Faith pt 2. What are the binging principles that hold the Body of Christ together? We must agree on these.

2018-12-02-Unity-of-the-faith.mp3 The Unity of the Faith. What are the common principles that all Christians stand on together? Find out in this message on unity.

2018-11-25-Parable-of-the-ten-talents.mp3 The parable of the ten talents. We are given talents to use wisely, how are you using yours?

2018-11-18-Resurrection-of-the-dead.mp3 The Resurrection of the Dead. The dead will rise again, some to eternal salvation, others to eternal condemnation. Which will it be for you?

2018-11-11-Giving-blesses-the-giver.mp3 Giving Blesses the Giver When you give to the Lord, you are sowing into your own destiny as well as others.

2018-11-04-The-joy-of-giving.mp3 The Joy of Giving God loves a cheerful giver. Learn the principles of giving to God's kingdom in this message.

2018-10-28-More-on-the-rapture.mp3 More on the Rapture. The books of Thessalonians give us understanding and revelation of the coming Rapture. Be ready!

2018-10-21-The-Falling-Away.mp3 The Falling Away Jesus is going to rapture the church, the true beleivers, but it won't happen until the great falling away takes place.

2018-10-14-Ten-Virgins.mp3 The Ten Virgins The parable of the ten virgins is a picture of the coming rapture. Five were wise, five were foolish. Which one are you?

2018-10-07-Power-of-testimony-3.mp3 With your mouth you confess! Your confession is important to Jesus!

2018-09-30-Power-of-testimony-2.mp3 Our testimony is very important in defeating the accuser of the brethren. Speak it out!

2018-09-23-More-Parables-of-Jesus.mp3 The Parables of Jesus. Jesus told simple stories to illustrate profound spiritual truths.

2018-09-09-Power-of-testimony-Zephania.mp3 The Power of Testimony the Personal testimoney of Zephaniah Alwanga, from Kenya. A former muslim tells his story.

2018-09-02-The-Trinity-2.mp3 The Trinity - Part 2 - Bedrock of the Christian faith is the the doctrine of the Trinity.

2018-08-26-The-Trinity.mp3 The Trinity - Part 1 - Was Jesus God? An explanation of the Trinity.

2018-08-19-Life-of-service-2.mp3 Life of Service - Part 2 - We have been saved for good works. God works in partnership with His children!

2018-08-12-Life-of-service.mp3 Life of Service - Part 1 - Jesus wants you to serve Him. You were saved and then called to a life of service to the Kingdom of God.

2018-08-05-Elemental-principles-of-the-faith.mp3 Elemental principles of the Christian faith. Apostle Paul talks about taking in milk versus meat. These are the foundation priciples.

2018-07-29-Lazarus-and-the-rich-man.mp3 Lazarus and the rich man. A great story that tells us many truths about eternal life.

2018-07-22-More-parables-of-Jesus.mp3 More Parables of Jesus the simple stories Jesus shared had deep meaning and instruction for us.

2018-07-15-Parable-of-the-tares.mp3 While men sleep the enemy will come to sow tares into the good fields of grain. Keep watch over your field!

2018-07-08-Parables-of-Jesus-1.mp3 The Parables of Jesus. Jesus told many simple stories called parables, to deliver a profound spiritual message. The parable of the sower.

2018-07-01-Dealing-with-strongholds-2.mp3 Dealing with strongholds in our lives. Repetitive patterns of destructive behavior can be difficult to deal with.

2018-06-24-Dealing-with-generation-curses.mp3 Dealing with generation curses. How do we rid ourselves of curses handed down through the generations?

2018-06-10-Stay-in-the-race-2.mp3 Stay in the Race pt 2. Apostle Paul encourages us to stay in the race, to keep standing in the face of adversity.

2018-06-03-Stay-in-the-race.mp3 Stay in the Race. Many Christians are discouraged and defeated, and dropping out of the race. The Apostle Paul says to stay in the race, and run as if to win.

2018-05-27-Basics-of-Salvation-2.mp3 The basics of salvation, pt 2. What does it mean to be saved, and can we be sure of our salvation.

2018-05-18-Basics-of-Salvation.mp3 The Basics of Salvation. What does it mean to be saved? The basics of salvation through Christ Jesus.

2018-05-13-Keep-your-vows.mp3 Keep your vows. The Lord takes it seriously when you make a vow to Him. The story of Ananias and Saphira.

2018-05-06-Authority-over-finances-2.mp3 Authority over Finances pt 2 Take authority over your financial situation. Understand how the kingdom finances work.

2018-04-29-Authority-over-finances-1.mp3 Authority over Finances. God wants us to partner with him through the giving of our tithes and offerings. See how it works!

2018-04-22-Authority-over-sickness.mp3 Authority Over Sickness. The blood of Jesus gives us authority over sickness. Pray believing for your healing, in Jesus name.

2018-04-15-Your-authority-in-Christ.mp3 You have been given the authority by Christ to go unto all the nations. Are you using your authority?

2018-04-08-Belivers-authority-over-sickness.mp3 The Believer's authority over sickness. Jesus took the stripes for our healing. We have authority to believe for healing from sickness and disease, it is God's will to heal.

2018-04-01-resurrection-of-the-dead.mp3 The Resurrection of the Dead - Jesus prophesied His own resurrection. He holds the keys to death over our lives if we believe in Him.

2018-03-25-parable-of-the-sower.mp3 The Parable of the Sower - The Son of Man sows seeds, but many do not bring forth a plant and bear fruit.

2018-03-11-faith-to-move-mountains.mp3 Faith to Move Mountains - God has given each of us a measure of faith. We can add ours to His and move the mountains out in our life.

2018-03-04-the-rapture-part-3.mp3 Jesus is coming back, like a thief in the night. It will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Are you ready?

2018-02-25-The-rapture-2.mp3 The Rapture, part 2. The Lord is going to come to catch the church away with Him. Are you ready?

2018-02-19-The-rapture.mp3 The Rapture. The Lord is coming to meet us in the air to take the born again away. Are you ready?

2018-02-11-The-office-of-the-gifts-2.mp3 The Office Gifts. The Lord Jesus gave gifts to men, these are the gifts that the church is built upon.

2018-02-04-The-five-fold-ministry.mp3 The five fold ministry. The Body of Christ functions through the five fold ministry, these are the office gifts given to equip the believers for the work of service.

2018-01-28-The-Body-of-Christ.mp3 The Body of Christ. The New Testament Church is the body of Christ, He is the head, we are the body.

2018-01-21-The-Story-of-Legion.mp3 The story of Legion. Legion had 2,000 demons, but they were no match for the power of Jesus.

2018-01-14-Nehemiah-Victory.mp3 Nehemiah's Victory When God is for you, you will succeed. Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem in the face of great enemy opposition.

2018-01-07-The-Wall-is-built.mp3 The Wall is Built. Nehemiah saw the need, surveyed the situation, and completed the mission to rebuild the wall. A great lesson in perseverance.

2017-12-31-Nehemiah-the-walls-are-down.mp3 Nehemiah the Walls are down. Now is the time to access the condition of the walls in your spiritual life and make the changes to shore them up.

2017-12-24-The-Holy-Spirit-speaks.mp3 The Holy Spirit speaks. The Holy Spirit is our guide and counselor. He is given to us so we can know the mind of God.

2017-12-10-The-new-testament-church.mp3 The New Testament Church. The Day of Pentecost ignited the New Testament Church. The fire of the Holy Spirit lit the flame that still burns.

2017-12-03-The-Holy-Spirit-Baptism.mp3 The Holy Spirit pt 2. To be fully immersed in the Holy Spirit is God's plan for every believer. The Holy Spirit gives us power.

2017-11-27-Introduction-to-the-Holy-Spirit.mp3 Introduction to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the person of the trinity given to us to comfort and counsel us.

2017-11-19-The-blood-of-Jesus-2.mp3 The blood of Jesus was shed for our salvation as well as our healing. You were bought with a precious sacrifice.

2017-11-12-The-Resurrection.mp3 The resurrection of Jesus is proof to us that we too can have victory over death. Hope for all believers.

2017-11-05-You-must-be-born-again.mp3 You must be born again if you want to spend eternity with the Lord Jesus. What is the new birth?

2017-10-29-The-blood-of-Jesus-shed-for-you.mp3 The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus was shed for you and me, it cleanses us of all unrighteousness, saves us and sets us free.

2017-10-22-Authority-as-believers.mp3 Our authority as believers. We have been given authority to rule and reign with Jesus, here on earth now.

2017-10-08-Freedom-from-fear-3.mp3 Dealing with fear. We have a refuge and an everpresent help when fear strikes, the Lord is our refuge.

2017-10-01-Dealing-with-anxiety-2.mp3 Dealing with Anxiety pt 2 When anxious thoughts beset us, where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord.

2017-09-24-Weapons-of-our-warfare-2.mp3 Weapons of Our Warfare. We are in the battle, but we are not alone. God has given weapons to battle the enemy.

2017-09-03-Dealing-with-anxiety.mp3 Dealing with Anxiety How can we maintain the peace that God desires for us? Living in this anxious world can be a challenge.

2017-08-28-Keep-standing.mp3 Keep Standing. When the going gets tough, keep standing, stand on the truth of the word of God.

2017-08-20-Gosple-armor.mp3 The Gospel Armor. Get ready for battle with your armor in place!

2017-08-13-Weapons-of-our-warefare.mp3 We have been given powerful weapons to fight with when we engage the enemy. Learn what they are and how to use them.

2017-07-30-Freedom-from-fear-3.mp3 When the devil attacks us with fear, we need to step out and up, let faith arise!

2017-07-23-Dealing-with-fear-2.mp3 The Lord says He is with us, so then why do so many Christians have let fear dominate their life?

2017-07-16-Speak-against-fear-1.mp3 Message Speak against fear. The enemy tries to silence and terrorize us through fear.

2017-07-08-Marriage-and-family-pt-2.mp3 God created man and woman and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply,, replenish the earth.

2017-07-01-Marrige-and-the-family-pt-1.mp3 Marriage and Family pt 1 Apostle Paul gives instruction on how to proceed in marriage.

2017-06-25-Your-santification.mp3 Your Sanctification God calls us out of the world to live a life of sanctification, to be free of sexual immorality.

2017-06-18-Gifts-from-God-church-gifts.mp3 The Gifts given by God to the the local church. Present yourself a living sacrifice to God by using your gift.

2017-06-11-The-office-gifts.mp2 Jesus led captivity captive and gave gifts to men, for the equipping of the Body of Christ.

2017-06-04-Gifts-in-the-church.mp3 The Spiritual Gifts in the Church. God has appointed the gifts to be used in the church. He is concerned with order.

2017-05-28-Spiritual-gifts-the-body-of-christ.mp3 Spiritual Gifts in the Body of Christ How do the gifts function pertaining to the Body of Christ. We are all connected.

2017-05-21-Gifts-of-the-holy-spirit.mp3 The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, given for the empowering of the believer. What are they, how do they operate?

2017-05-14-Gifts-of-the-holy-spirit.mp3 Overview of the spiritual gifts. The gifts that are given to the believers to empower the body of Christ.

2017-05-07-More-on-two-baptisms.mp3 Water baptism, and the Holy Spirit Baptism, how they differ from each other.

2017-04-30-Two-baptisms-continued.mp3 Two baptisms cont. The two baptisms are the baptism of water for repentance, and the Holy Spirit baptism given by Jesus. These baptisms are for all believers.

2017-04-23-Two-baptisms.mp3 Two Baptisms John the Baptist spoke of two baptisms, one of water, the other of the Holy Spirit and fire. What are they?

2017-04-16-Passover-sunday.mp3 Jesus Our Passover Lamb. Our precious Lord and Savior Jesus was the perfect Passover lamb. What His sacrifice means for your eternal salvation.

2017-04-09-Tatics-of-the-enemy.mp3 The enemy is very subtle and crafty. Adam and Eve fell int he garden, and we are subject to the same attacks. Be prepared!

2017-04-02-Sin-in-the-camp.mp3 When doing battle with the enemy, sin in the camp can lead to deadly consequences.

2017-03-26-Story-of-legion.mp3 The story of Legion. One of the greatest examples of deliverance in all the Bible, illustrates to power of Jesus to deliver from demonic oppression.

2017-03-19-Authority-as-believers.mp3 Our Authority as Believers We have the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions. What does that mean in our daily lives?

2017-03-05-Dealing-with-anxiety-2.mp3 Dealing with Anxiety pt 2. Learning to cope with the stress of daily living. God has a plan.

2017-02-26-Dealing-with-anxiety.mp3 We are living in an age of much anxiety. How can you deal with this tumult in your life everyday?

2017-02-19-Keep-standing.mp3 The dissention and conflict of the current age is a harbinger of the difficulties to come. You will need your battle armor to stand your ground!

2017-02-12-Gosple-armor.mp3 The Gospel Armor. God gives us protection against the schemes of the enemy. Learn about the pieces of the gospel armor.

2017-02-05-Weapons-of-our-warfare-2.mp3 The Weapons of Our Warfare cont. We are in a battle, but the Lord did not leave us defenseless. Learn more about our spiritual weapons.

2017-01-29-Sanctity-of-human-life.mp3 The Sanctity of Human Life Every child born is created in the image of God. What is the life of a human worth?

2017-01-22-Weapons-of-our-warefare.mp3 More lessons from Nehemiah. The weapons of our warfare are many, but they all sufficient to defeat the enemy of our soul.

2017-01-15-Tatics-of-the-enemy.mp3 Tactics of the Enemy. When rebuilding the walls of our life, the enemy will come at us with a wide range of tactics. Get your weapons of defense ready!

2017-01-08-Rebuilding-the-Walls-pt-2-from-Nehemiah.mp3 More from Nehemiah. Whenever you set your mind to work for the Lord, you can be assured the enemy will come against you. Get ready for battle!

2017-01-01-A-new-beginning.mp3 A message for the New Year. Nehemiah wanted to rebuild and restore the walls of Jerusalem. Sometimes we need to rebuild the walls in our own life. Where do we start?

2016-12-25-The-name-of-Jesus.mp3 The Name of Jesus, "Immanuel", God with us. God was with us in the person of Jesus, and He is still with us today.

2016-12-18-The-holy-spirit-speaks.mp3 The Holy Spirit speaks to us the wisdom of God. We can only receive it when we have spiritual discernment, for the natural man cannot receive it.

2016-12-11-Ask-For-the-Holy-Spirit.mp3 Gather the Outcasts After we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are then commanded to go and serve. Where and how?

2016-12-04-Go-and-Serve.mp3 Ask For the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is given to those who are hungry for more of God. Ask and you shall receive.

2016-11-27-The-holy-spirit-2.mp3 What can a person expect when they become immersed with the Holy Spirit? The most exciting walk begins.

2016-11-20-Baptism-of-fire.mp3 The Lord Jesus wants to baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His desire is that we all should have this power so we can be witnesses for Him to the remotest parts of the earth.

2016-11-06-Africa-Report.mp3 Africa Mission Report Report on the recently completed mission to Kenya and other countries of East Africa.

2016-11-13-God-cares-about-our-elections.mp3 The civil authorities placed over us are ministers of God. Therefore, we are to respect the civil authorities to avoid the wrath of God.

2016-09-04-Fellowship.mp3 How to live a spirit filled life and fellowship with the body of Christ.

2016-08-28-Spirit-Filled-Life-Worship.mp3 How to live a spirit filled life and worshiping the Lord.

2016-08-21-Spirit-Filled-Life-Study-the-Word.mp3 How to live a spirit filled life and sharing the Good News with others.

2016-08-14-Spirit-filled-life-Prayer.mp3 How to live a spirit filled life and your focus on prayer.

2016-08-07-Spirit-filled-life.mp3 How to live a spirit filled life.

2016-07-24-Buy-the-Field.mp3 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

2016-07-10-The-Parable-of-the-Sower.mp3 Those who hear the word and recieve it spiritually will bear good fruit.

2016-07-03-Exercise-your-Faith.mp3 Exersise your faith for the Kingdom of God.

2016-06-26-Faith-to-Move-Mountains.mp3 What is faith and how to expand it.

2016-06-12-The-rapture.mp3 More on the rapture. Jesus is coming back just like a thief in the night. We are going to a great supper, the marriage supper of the lamb.

2016-06-05-The-rapture.mp3 The Lord says to be ready. We don't know when He is coming to catch us away, but we can be ready.

2016-05-29-The-rapture.mp3 Paul tells the believers at Thessalonica to be ready for the catching up of the saints to be with the Lord in the air. Are you ready?

2016-05-22-The-five-fold-ministry-2.mp3 The office gifts of the five fold ministry, part 2. God has given the office gifts, for the equipping of the saints and the building up of the body of Christ.

2016-05-16-The-five-fold-ministry.mp3 God has a special gift and anointing for you in the five fold ministry. Seek it and you shall find it!

2016-05-01-Our-God-is-supernatural.mp3 Our God is a supernatural God. The hallmark of the New Testament church was the outpouring of signs, wonders, and miracles. He is the same God today.

2016-04-16-The-new-testament-church.mp3 The template for the spirit filled church is laid out for us in the book of Acts.

2016-04-10-The-holy-spirit-baptism.mp3 The Holy Spirit Baptism The Spirit is poured out to give us power to be witnesses for the kingdom of God

2016-04-03-Intro-to-the-holy-spirit.mp3 When Jesus left the disciples, He told them He would not leave them as orphans. The Holy Spirit has been left to us to help and guide us.

2016-03-27-The-resurrection.mp3 We have victory over death for all eternity because of the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Are you walking in that victory?

2016-03-20-You-must-be-born-again.mp3 You Must Be Born Again. What does it mean to be born again? If you are, you will see the kingdom of God.

2016-03-13-More-on-faith-and-healing.mp3 More of Faith and Healing. God wants us to activate our faith in greater measure through the circumstances of our life.

2016-02-28-Faith-to-move-mountains.mp3 What is faith? Jesus said with the faith of a mustard seed you can move the mountains in your life. Learn how with this message on faith.

2016-02-21-Kicking-out-the-devil-5.mp3 We can seal the victory over the devil by walking in the Spirit. The disciplines of walking in the Spirit.

2016-02-14-Kicking-out-the-devil-4.mp3 Speak to the mountains in your life, ask the all powerful God to move them into the sea.

2016-02-07-Kicking-out-the-devil-3.mp3 Praise and Worship breaks the back of the enemy. Develop a lifestyle of praising the Lord!

2016-01-31-Kicking-out-the-devil-2.mp3 Our weapons for tearing down the strongholds of the enemy are mighty. What are the weapons in our arsenal?

2016-01-23-Kicking-out-the-devil-1.mp3 Kick the Devil Out of Your Life How can we get rid of the devil and cleanse our Holy Temple? A strategy for housecleaning.

2016-01-17-A-new-beginning.mp3 The Judgment Seat of Christ How will we as believers be judged? Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:10

2016-01-10-Go-to-the-work.mp3 Go to the Work

2016-01-03-A-new-beginning.mp3 The New Year, a fresh start. God can make all things new, His mercies are made new everly morning.

2015-12-27-Prophetic-presevation.mp3 Prophetic Preservation Jesus birth and life was prophesied in the Old Testament, that He would be the answer to our sin nature. Through Him we can have reconciliation back to God.

2015-12-15-Dream-of-famine.mp3 Dream of Famine One of the judgments of the Lord upon a nation is famine. God uses it to put people down on their knees to acknowledge Him.

2015-12-20-When-to-stop-praying-for-america.mp3 Is it Time to Stop Praying for America? Has God given up on America and told His people to stop praying? Not yet!

2015-12-06-Time-of-sorrows.mp3 Time of Sorrows - Two dreams that give a glimpse of the future. We need to repent and turn back to the Lord.

2015-11-29-Cultivating-a-thankful-heart.mp3 Give thanks to the Lord in all things, God has given us much to be thankful for. A Thanksgiving Holiday message.

2015-11-22-The-fire-of-the-Lord-3.mp3 The fire of the Lord ignites several things in the life of the receiver. That is how the gospel spread so quickly.

2015-11-15-The-fire-of-the-Lord-2.mp3 God poured out His fire at Pentecost, to empower the church so we could be powerful witnesses for the kingdom.

2015-11-08-The-fire-of-the-Lord.mp3 God presents Himself as fire throughout His word, and He wants His fire in you as well!

2015-11-01-The-glory-has-departed.mp3 The darkness is getting darker as the glory of the Lord departs. A word for America!

2015-10-25-The-parable-of-the-talents.mp3 The Parable of the Talents - God has given each of us talents according to our ability. Are you using yours to build the His kingdom?

2015-10-18-Africa-mission-report.mp3 Africa Mission 2015 - Preaching through four countries in Africa

2015-10-11-The-sanctity-of-marrage-one-man-one-woman.mp3 The sanctity of marriage is ordained and blessed by God.

2015-10-04-The-shed-blood-of-the-innocents.mp3 Abortion kills innocent lives and our nation must repent now.

2015-09-20-The-wall-is-built.mp3 Nehemiah's leadership to build the walls was successful, yet not without opposition and difficulties. Such will happen when we do the work of the Lord.

2015-09-13-Nehemiah-the-walls-are-down.mp3 The protective walls that Nehemiah spoke of has direct application for our nation today.

2015-09-06-Nature-of-addictions.mp3 Spiritual warefare with demons is the core battle with addictions.

2015-08-30-Spiritual-warefare-jesus-vs-devil.mp3 The temptation of Jesus by the Devil has many lessons for us with our spiritual battles.

2015-08-23-Spiriual-warfare-king-david.mp3 David took council in the Lord in his battle with the Philistines. We must seek the Lord's council in our battle with the devil and all of our callings.

2015-08-16-Spiriual-warfare-gospel-armour-2.mp3 The Lord provides us the armor for spirtual warfare - Ephesians chapter 6.

2015-08-09-Spiriual-warfare-basics-1.mp3 Our nation is falling into darkness and we must must focus on the bright light of Jesus. We must take up the armor against the devil and defend our faith to restore God in our nation.

2015-08-02-The-nations-rage-against-the-Lord-2.mp3 The Kings of the Earth take their stand against the Lord and His Anointed. But the Kingdom of God will be the last Kingdom standing!

2015-07-26-The-nations-rage-against-the-Lord.mp3 The Nations Rage. The judgement of the Lord can be poured out on nations that rebel against Him. Righteousness exalts a nation!

2015-07-19-Judgements-of-the-Lord2.mp3 We can judge ourselves rightly, or we can let the Lord chasten us, often with accompanying pain.

2015-07-12-Judgements-of-the-Lord.mp3 The judgments of the Lord are righteous and true. He has the authority to judge nations as well as us as individuals.

2015-07-05-Stay-in-the-fight.mp3 Stay in the Fight. The Apostle Paul shows us how to persevere and fight the good fight of faith. A timely message for what is happening in the USA.

2015-06-28-Open-doors-for-you.mp3 Open Doors for You - God opens doors that no man can shut. When He opens them, He wants you to walk through.

2015-06-21-Encouragement-to-fathers.mp3 Encouragement to Fathers Fathers, you have been ordained by God to be in authority over your family, and His blessing is upon you.

2015-06-14-Pay-your-vows.mp3 When you make a vow to the Lord, pay it! Ananias and Sapphira learned God does not take vows to Him lightly.

2015-06-07-The-power-for-all-believers.mp3 What is the doctrinal foundation for the baptism of the Holy Spirit for the believer? Is it for us today?

2015-05-31-Early-church-power.mp3 The early church was endowed with supernatural, miracle working power. That is God's will for the church today.

2015-05-24-The-holy-spirit-outpouring.mp3 Today is Pentecost Sunday. What really happened at Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago, and how does that affect us today?

2015-05-17-Fire-of-pentecost.mp3 The fire of Pentecost. What is the fire and how can you obtain it?

2015-05-10-New-testament-church.mp3 More hallmarks from the New Testament Church. Signs and wonders, and a desire to share with those in need characterized the New Testament Church.

2015-05-03-Hallmarks-of-the-new-testament-church.mp3 Hallmarks of the New Testament Church - What are the essentials of a New Testament body of believers? The early church gave us a good template.

2015-04-26-The-holy-spirit-aftermath.mp3 The aftermath of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Peter and the other apostles became bold in proclaiming the good news of the gospel.

2015-04-19-The-spirit-is-poured-out.mp3 The Holy Spirit is Poured Out. The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on mankind happened at Pentecost, just as it had been prophesied by the Prophet Joel hundreds of years before.

2015-04-11-The-promise-of-the-holy-spirit.mp3 The Promise of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had promised the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon His disciples. It came just as He said it would.

2015-04-03-The-resurrection.mp3 The Resurrection. Because of Christ's resurrection, we can have assurance of life after death. Death is swallowed up in victory!

2015-03-29-The-blood-of-jesus-2.mp3 The precious blood of Jesus was shed on the cross for our salvation and for our healing. It is a free gift He gave for all mankind. Have you received your free gift?

2015-03-22-The-blood-of-Jesus-shed-for-you.mp3 The blood of Jesus was shed for you and I Have you received this free gift?

2015-03-15-The-five-fold-ministry.mp3 The five fold ministry. Jesus gave gifts to men, for the equipping of the saints. Have you claimed your gift?

2015-03-02-Self-defense.mp3 Self Defense Against Evil- Does the Bible give us the authority to bear arms and defend our families and property?

2015-02-22-defense of-our-country.mp3 The Defense of Our Country - Do we have an obligation and a right to defend ourselves against islamic jihad? What does the Bible say?

2015-02-15-The-rise-of-islam.mp3 What is the origin of Islam, and what does their holy book teach?

2015-02-08-How-then-shall-we-live-2.mp3 In light of the chaos all around us, how are we to live out our days as believers here on this earth?

2015-02-01-How-then-shall-we-live.mp3 If all the world is falling apart around us, how then shall we live?

2015-01-25-sanctity-of-human-life-2.mp3 God ordains and sanctifies precious children even before they are formed in the womb

2015-01-18-sanctity-of-human-life.mp3 The shed blood of the innocents cries out from the land

2015-01-11-Fasting-for-a-new-start-2.mp3 Fasting for a New Start Part 2 - Our great example of prayer and fasting, Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness when He was preparing for ministry.

2015-01-04-Fasting-for-a-new-start.mp3 Fasting for a New Start - A new year, and a great time to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting to come into a place of intimacy with Him

2014-12-28-Millenal-reign-of-Jesus.mp3 Jesus is coming back to set up the Millenial Reign for a thousand years. The saints are going to rule and reign with him, will you be one of them?

2014-12-21-God-is-with-us.mp3 God With Us And His name shall be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Is God with you today, He can be!

2014-12-14-Demise-of-antichrist.mp3 The Antichrist will meet his match at the battle of Armegeddon, where he and the false prophet will battle the King of Kings and His armies of heaven

2014-12-07-Rise-of-the-antichrist.mp3 The Antichrist will rise to prominence and become the focal point of the devil's kingdom during the tribulation. All those who worship him will be given a mark, the mark of the beast 666.

2014-11-30-Rapture-timing.mp3 The Rapture Timing. Don't get caught up in the idea that Jesus isn't coming back. Get ready, stay ready, but be about the Father's business in the mean time.

2014-11-23-Why-the-rapture.mp3 Why the Rapture? What is God's purpose for gathering up the saints and catching them away? Find out in this teaching about the rapture.

2014-11-16-Rapture-of-the-saints-2.mp3 Jesus is coming back for those who love Him and and have given their life to Him. The trumpet shall sound, will you be ready?

2014-11-09-Rapture-of-the-saints.mp3 The Rapture, the catching away of the saints to be taken up in the air to meet the Lord. Are you ready?

2014-11-2-Government-by-the-people.mp3 Government for the People How does God view the elections? Our responsibility to vote as citizens of the United States of America

2014-10-26-Sexual-immorality.mp3 The devil is using sexual immorality to attempt to silence the church. God's word Is clear about sexual immorality.

2014-10-11-Recap-africa-mission-1-2014.mp3 A recap of the recently completed mission to Africa, with a teaching also from Deut. 28 The blessings and the curses.

2014-10-11-Recap-africa-mission-1-2014.mp3 A recap of the recently completed mission to Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo

2014-10-05-Two-teachings-from-pauls-journes.mp3 Paul's missionary journeys led him into some trying circumstances. God may be preparing you for the same experiences!

2014-09-28-The-open-door.mp3 The Open Door. God will open doors for you that no man can shut. There is a hundredfold blessing waiting for you!

2014-09-21-The-great-commission.mp3 Why Missions pt2. Jesus gave us the great commission, a commandment not a suggestion. Will you go?

2014-09-14-Why-missions.mp3 Why Missions? What is the purpose for missions? It is the high calling to take the gospel to all the nations.

2014-09-07-Warefare-of-the-mind-2.mp3 Warfare of the Mind pt 2. The battlefield for our destiny is in the mind. Jesus and the devil face off in the great battle for Kingdom authority.

2014-08-30--Warefare-of-the-mind.mp3 Warfare of the Mind. Satan wants to discourage and depress you, but God has a better plan for you.

2014-08-24-Depression-how-to-cope.mp3 Dealing With Depression. God has given us the ability to cope with depression. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus and give Him your anxiety.

2014-08-17-Elijah-deals-with-depression.mp3 Dealing with Depression. God's word gives us plenty of instruction in dealing with depression. A look at the life of the prophet Elijah.

2014-08-10-Is-God-still-in-2.mp3 Standing With Israel pt 2 Israel in Prophecy. Israel is God's timepiece for the end times. The prophetic passages of scripture speak of the importance of Israel in the end time battle.

2014-08-03-Is-God-still-in.mp3 Your Sanctification. God wants to set you aside to do kingdom work, to prepare you to stand before Him.

2014-07-27-Is-God-still-in.mp3 Standing with Israel. As the missiles fly, God calls us to stand with His children.

2014-07-20-Salvation-101-the-basics.mp3 Do you know for certain if you are saved? You can know for sure. The basics of Salvation.

2014-07-13-Is-God-still-in-control.mp3 If God is a God of order, why is there so much chaos?

2014-07-06-Jonah-obedience-to-God.mp3 Jonah finally became obedient to the Lord. How about you, will you submit to God in your life?

2014-06-29-Johna-preaches-to-ninieveh.mp3 The callings of God are irrevocable, God can use you no matter how rebellious you have been.

2014-06-07-The-story-of-jonah.mp3 Jonah in the belly of the whale. When we cry out to the Lord, out of death to our self comes resurrection through Jesus Christ.

2014-06-07-The-story-of-jonah.mp3 The Story of Jonah the Prophet. When we run from the Lord, God has His ways to bring us back to Him. It happened with Jonah in an amazing way.

2014-05-18-Spirit-baptism.mp3 Is the Spirit Baptism for Everyone? The Holy Spirit was promised and was poured out as promised. It is for all mankind, this very day.

2014-05-04-Nature-of-man.mp3 John the Baptist prophesies the one coming after himself who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

2014-05-04-Nature-of-man.mp3 God created you in His image to fellowship with Him and move into your destiny. The enemy has a different plan for your life.

2014-04-27-Basics-of-salvation.mp3 Just 43% of Americans understand they are going to heaven by confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Where do you stand?

2014-04-20-I-am-the-resurrection.mp3 Jesus proves that He is the resurrection and the life by raising Lasarus from the dead.

2014-04-11-Jesus-blood-covers-out-sins.mp3 Jesus shed His precious blood on the cross for our sins. His redemptive work is finished!

2014-04-06-Suffering-For-Jesus.mp3 The apostle Paul said he wanted to fellowship in the sufferings of Jesus. How about you?

2014-03-30-sufferings-of-job-2.mp3 Even if He slay me, still will I trust Him. How does your faith measure up with the faith of Job when suffering comes?

2014-03-23-Job-a-Picture-of-Warfare.mp3 The story of Job is a picture of the spiritual warfare that we all go through. God sets up Job for extreme trials.

2014-03-16-tactics-of-the-enemy.mp3 From the book of Nehemiah. The devil comes to attack us in many ways, This study from Nehemiah takes a look at tactics of the enemy.

2014-03-09-victory-in-warfare.mp3 Victory in Warfare. The story of Josiah,the good king of the Old Testament. At a very young age, Josiah tore down the high places of the enemy, and brought back the book of the Law.

2014-03-02-Spiritual-Warfare.mp3 How to deal with temptation in your life, from 1 Corinthians 10:13. Jesus will give you a way out.

2014-02-16-warfare-2.mp3 Gospel Armor - This is the classic scripture of the gospel armor from Ephesians 6:12. Stand firm therefore, and get ready for battle!

2014-02-14-spiritual-warfare.mp3 You are in the midst of a battle, get your armor on and be ready to stand firm.

2014-02-14-lessons-from-gideon.mp3 More lessons from Judges chapter 6 and 7, the story of Gideon

2014-02-09-warfare-2.mp3 Spiritual Warfare - You are in a battle whether you want to be or not. The battle is between the kingdom of darkness vs. the kingdom of light.

2014-02-09-spiritual-warfare.mp3 Spiritual Warfare - Get into the battle by coming to the Lord Jesus as your Savior.

2014-01-26-gideon.mp3 The Lord shows in the story of Gideon, He will be there to fight the battle for us.

2014-01-19-our-destiny-great-faith.mp3 Your faith is perfected by your works. Faith without works is dead.

2014-01-12-pursuing-your-destiny-faith.mp3 You will be asked to exercise your faith to move into your calling.

2014-01-05-pursuing-your-dream2-Matt-7-7.mp3 God has a unique calling on your life! Will you answer it?

2013-14-blessings-and-curses.mp3 Let us pray for the blessings of the Lord on America.

2013-12-22-names-of-jesus-Isaiah-9-6.mp3 For unto us a Child is born. The prophesied names of Jesus from Isaiah 9:6.

2013-12-08-Gifts-of-the-holy-spirit-1Cor-12-4.mp3 The empowering gifts of the Holy Spirit available to each individual believer.

2013-11-24-heart-of-thanksgiving-psalm-136-138.mp3 Adopt a heart of thanksgiving and gratitude, you will be blessed along with God.

2013-11-17-gifts-of-the-holy-spirit-evangelist.mp3 The office gift of evangelist given to the body of Christ.

2013-11-08-gifts-of-the-holy-spirit-prophet.mp3 The office gift of prophet given to the body of Christ.

2013-11-01-gifts-of-the-holy-spirit-apostle.mp3 The office gift of the calling of the Apostle.

2013-11-01-Gifts-of-the-holy-spirit-Eph-4-11.mp3 The office gifts of the Holy Spirit given to the body of Christ.

2013-10-13-rise-of-islam-2.mp3 A closer look at the religion of Islam.

2013-09-22-who-is-satan-isaiah14-11.mp3 Who is the devil, and why is there so much evil in the world?

2013-09-13-ezekiel28-the-deceiver.mp3 A picture of the anointed cherub as he existed in heaven.

2013-05-05-trials-and-tribulations-james-1-15-job-1.mp3 Your trials are given to you to perfect your faith. Consider it all joy!

2013-04-21-blessings-curses-2samuel-24.mp3 There is a raging battle for the heart and soul of this nation.

2013-04-07-intercedeforamerica.mp3 Be in prayer for the protection of America.

2013-03-31-it-is-finished-john-19-30.mp3 Jesus death on the cross was the culmination of His work here on this earth.

2013-03-24-jesus-the-anointed.mp3 The anointing on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

2013-03-03-who-is-satan-ezek-28.mp3 A closer look at the adversary the devil.

2013-03-03-spiritual-warefare-pt1-eph6-1.mp3 A closer look at the spiritual battle we are in.

2013-02-24-praise-the-lord.mp3 The power of corporate worship.

2013-02-17-gathering-of-the-saints-heb-10-24-25.mp3 It is important to meet together with the saints.

2013-02-10-the-word-is-powerful-heb412.mp3 Set aside time each day to read God's word. I will change your life.

2013-01-20-Walk-in-the-Spirit--Prayer-and-Fasting.mp3 Walking in the Spirit includes powerful prayer coupled with fasting.

2013-01-13-Walk-in-the-Spirit-Prayer-Matt 6-6.mp3 Powerful prayer will help you walk in the Spirit.

2013-01-06-Walk-in-the-Spirit-Galatians-5-16-17.mp3 Walk in the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.

2013-01-03-Walk-in-the-Spirit--the-word-of-god.mp3 The word of God is the sword of the spirit.

2012-09-30-prayers-for-africa.mp3 Pray for the mission projects in Africa sponsored by Gather the Outcasts

2012-09-23-out-of-africa.mp3 More reports on the trip to Africa.

2012-09-23-out-of-africa-a.mp3 Report of Africa Mission trip to Kenya and Congo.

2012-09-16-prayer-of-intercession-mark-3-24.mp3 How to stand in the gap for another through prayer.

2012-09-09-prayer-of-faith-mark11-23.mp3 Learn to exercise your faith through prayer.

2012-09-02-victorious-prayer-the-lords-prayer.mp3 Pray ye like this, a study of the Lord's prayer.

2012-08-26-victorious-prayer.mp3 How to establish a victorious prayer life.

2012-08-19-the-joy-of-giving-2.mp3 Learn to love to give an offering to the Lord.

2012-08-12-the-joy-of-giving.mp3 It is a blessing and a joy to give to the Lord.

2012-07-15-rebuild-the-walls.mp3 When the walls are down, God's people arrive to build.

2012-07-15-dream-of-TA.mp3 Dream of terrorist attack on this nation. Pray for our leaders!

2012-07-15-a-consuming-fire.mp3 Our God is a consuming fire, a sign of His judgment.

2012-06-17-set-aside.mp3 Have some food and supplies set aside for unexpected emergency, its not about hoarding.

2012-06-17-black-horse-of-famine.mp3 Dream given to me about the black horse of famine. Rev. 6:5

2012-06-09-the-watchman.mp3 The watchmen are on the wall crying out.

2012-06-01-LfA5-27-12.mp3 Honoring our veterans and our place in human government.

2012-05-27-week1.mp3 God ordains government. What is our part?

2010-08-11-remember-the-prisoners.mp3 Remember the prisoners as if you are in prison with them.

2010-08-11-ready-for-battle-david-and-goliath.mp3 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

2010-04-19-kingdom-economy.mp3 More on kingdom economy, the parable of the talents.

2010-04-19-gods-economy.mp3 How does God's economy operate?

2010-04-03-sexual-immorality-pt3.mp3 Sexual perversion, what does God say about it?

2010-04-03-sexual-immorality-pt2.mp3 Sexual immorality and the church.

2010-04-03-sexual-immorality-pt1.mp3 Sexual immorality and its destructive nature.

2010-03-24-generation-curses.mp3 How do familiar spirits affect your spiritual walk?

2010-03-24-forgiveness.mp3 When you stand praying, forgive. A commandment from the Lord.

2010-03-24-forgiveness-vengeance.mp3 More forgiveness, vengeance is mine, says the Lord.

2010-03-19-spiritual-warfare-pt2.mp3 Get the protection you need from the gospel armor.

2010-03-19-spiritual-warefare.mp3 More on spiritual warfare from Ephesians 6:12

2010-03-19-gospel-armor.mp3 Put on the pieces of the gospel armor, stand firm!

2010-03-12-calm-in-the-storm.mp3 Hide yourself in the shelter of His wings, Psalm 91.

2010-03-10-our-sin-is-great.mp3 Let us seek His face in prayers for this nation.

2010-03-06-surviving-the-economic-crash.mp3 Get ready for the coming economic storm.

2010-03-06-shelter-in-the-storm.mp3 Jesus is the shelter in the economic storm. Are you ready?

2010-03-06-nations-uproar2.mp3 The responsibility of voting in America.

2010-02-28-witchcraft-and-natural-disasters.mp3 More teaching on witchcraft from Deuteronomy 5

2010-02-28-prophecy-vs-witchcraft.mp3 Witchcraft is the devil's counterfeit of the prophetic.

2010-02-28-necromancy-and-witchcraft.mp3 Witchcraft, spiritism, and divination. Get rid of it!

2010-02-26-gifts-poured-out.mp3 More instructions on the value of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

2010-02-16-prayer-of-intercession.mp3 How to intercede for your family, friends, government.

2010-02-16-judgment-coming.mp3 Persecution is coming for believers in America, get prepared!

2010-02-16-jesus-the-intercessor.mp3 Jesus came to reconcile us back to God.

2010-02-16-effective-prayer.mp3 The basics of an effective prayer life, the Lord' prayer.

2010-02-07-the-gentiles-receive-the-holy-spirit.mp3 Acts 10, the Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit

2010-02-07-holy-spirit-teacher.mp3 The Lord teaches through supernatural ways through the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 2

2010-02-07-gifts-of-the-holy-spirit.mp3 A discussion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit from 1` Corinthians 12

2010-01-26-introduction-to-gifts-of-the-holy-spirit.mp3 the Holy Spirit is poured out, and with it comes the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12

2010-01-26-holy-spirit-power-acts1-2.mp3 Jesus promises the Holy Spirit will come, and it is poured out on the disciples at Pentecost.

2010-01-16-holy-spirit-john1613.mp3 More instruction on the Holy Spirit from John 16:13, He will guide you into all the truth, even things to come.

2010-01-16-holy-spirit-john1413.mp3 More instruction on how the Holy Spirit operates in the life of the believer. From John 14, Jesus instructs the disciples.

2010-01-16-holy-spirit-acts 8.mp3 How the Holy Spirit functions in the life of the believer.

2010-01-08-follow-up-to-famine.mp3 A follow up and confirmation to the dream of famine from Revelation 6:5

2010-01-08-dream-of-tribulation.mp3 Dream given in 2009 of coming breakdown of society and tribulation in the USA.

2010-01-08-dream-of-terrorist-attack.mp3 Dream of terrorist attack against our country.

2010-01-08-dream-of-flu.mp3 How to protect yourself in times of plague and flu epidemic.

2010-01-08-dream-of-famine.mp3 Dream of famine from Revelation 6:5, coming to the United States given in Costa Rica in 2009.

2009-12-20-dreams-in-prophecy.mp3 The purposes of God in speaking to us in dreams of the night.

copyright 2009 - www.gathertheoutcasts.com